designVisual Identity Dassault Systèmes II

Visual Identity Dassault Systèmes II

Below are the other brochures, flyers, e-mailing banners and illustrations that I made during my internship in Dassault Systèmes.

Banniere flyer orange exalead emea summit

E-mailing Banner for a summit event


visuel fr


visuel fr2


folded brochure


Dassault organisation structure

Infographic of Dassault Systèmes Organisation Structure


person holding brochure


brochure again






brochures et flyers


IMG_0956 copy

Printed brochures for clients

Graphic designer and photographer based in Paris.

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B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p

Paris. Que du design.

Graphisme. Webdesign. Print. Photographie.

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